Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sex Transmutation can make you Rich

We all know the power of our minds.The same mind
that can bring us wealth and abundance can also drag
us down into the depths of poverty. It is entirely upon
us, then, to decide which direction, and ultimately
which destiny will prevail.

In the minds of most young men are the ancient forces
of nature that drive them to procreate. Sex, and how to
obtain it with a pretty young girl, is all most young boys
can think of most of the time. In fact, I think I can safely
say that the vast majority of young school-boys spend
a large part of their waking hours plotting, scheming, and
creating unique and powerful ways to become divinely
familiar with the girl of his fancy.

This brings me to the discussion of what "sex transmutation"
means. The word "transmute" can be defined as; the
changing of one type of energy into another. Simply put,
sex transmutation implies shifting the thoughts of physical
sexual expression to thoughts of some other nature.

From one of the best selling books of all time, Napolean Hill
in his classic; Think and Grow Rich" has this to say about
the power of sex transmutation; "Sex desire is the most
powerful of human desires. ... So strong and impelling is
the desire for sexual contact that men freely run the risk of
life and reputation to indulge it. ... redirected along other
lines, this motivating force maintains all of it's attributes...
of imagination, courage, etc. which may be used as powerful
creative forces in literature, art, or many other professions,
or callings including, of course, the accumulation of wealth."

What Mr. Hill wrote over seven decades ago is still true and
relevant today. In fact, this timeless wisdom can catapult any
aspiring entrepreneur to a level of success that dreams are made.

The author goes on to say that because most men are so
deeply distracted by this overwhelming force of nature that
most spectacularly successful men will not fully release their
full potential until later in life. In fact, in a study conducted
of 25,000 people, Mr. Hill found that seldom do men succeed
in an outstanding way before the age of forty and in most
cases the majority of these did not strike their real pace until
after fifty.

He continues; "The majority of men never learn that the urge
of sex has other possibilities which far transcend in importance
that of mere physical expression."

Now, given these facts, how can we apply them to our dreams
of financial freedom? Feelings of Love and Sharing require
effort in our lives. We must rid ourselves of the tendencies to
be greedy, selfish, and mean-spirited to others. When the emotions
of Love and Sex arise, the gifted and enlightened person will
embrace these feelings and use them to transcend the disruptive
distractions that occur daily.

Creativity and passion will result by using our natural emotions
and drives to assist others in the desire for success. One of the
most effective ways is to be more cooperative with others. Instead
of trying to conquer our competitors, why not try to help them?
By giving freely of our ideas and resources, we will discover that
true wealth will begin to flow freely. Although it seems a paradox,
giving away all that we believe to be of value is, in fact, the most
effective strategy for success.


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