Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Dream Lifestyle

It has always been one of my life time dreams to discover a
truly enjoyable way to generate income. I have always felt
that the happiest people on the planet are those that can
get up each morning and be truly inspired to go to work,
or even better, stay at home and work.

Writers, artists, free-lance entrepreneurs, or any one of
hundreds of occupations that can be done from home
and lead to fulfilling and abundant lifestyles have always
been very attractive to me.

Lately I have been thinking very strongly about becoming
my dreams of creative self-sufficiency. To finally rise
above the thoughts of making money and having enough
of it to be comfortable is truly what living a joyful life is.

One of the realizations that I have discovered is that I
have made myself way too isolated to create this abundant
lifestyle that I crave. I must spend more energy to network
with like-minded people that share my passion of becoming
more financially self-sufficient.

With these thoughts in mind, I am sharing this post with
the goal of finding and communicating with people
who are looking to expand their financial

I have recently created two new web-sites that I believe
could help me achieve my financial goals. On these sites,
I have embedded Google Ad-Sense ads that will begin
to generate extra income as I attract more visitors.

As with all new ventures, people start with ideas and then
modify them as time goes on to improve on them. Only
time will tell if the ideas are good.

My new web-sites are:

Lake Tahoe Zephyr

Mustangs Plus BMW

Any questions or comments about this post will be greatly
appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you and hope
that we might find mutually beneficial ideas to share with
one another.