Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Image is not Reality

I usually start my days off with some form of meditation.
For over a year now, this has taken the form of writing.
I firmly believe that each day can become much more enjoyable
and creative when we begin with focus on our true life force.
This can also be described as our spirit or our "connectedness".

Words are best used as sign posts to higher meaning. In fact,
one of the only ways to describe the truly important words in life
like; Love, Spirit, and Connectedness, is to speak of them in the
language of poetry and metaphor. Also, you can say what a word
like Love is not.

The noise that is created when the word "Love" is spoken conjures
up vastly different meanings to many people. In fact, this is one of
the main reasons why there is so much conflict and confusion in
our present world. The image of something is never real, it is merely
an image. When more people begin to discover this simple idea,
then and only then will we begin to truly love and care for others.

In the same way that we are all simply passing briefly through this
life and we never truly own or possess anything, you can say that;

"Love possesses not nor would it be possessed,
For Love is sufficient with Love"

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